Piscosour Packaging Guidelines

One advantage of Piscosour is when everything is separated, so is very convenient to pack steps, flows or plugins as separate as possible.

This is guideline with the recommendations of how to separate the modules:

  1. Domain
  2. Contexts
  3. Flows
  4. Step
  5. Plugin

1. Domain

The domain is a simple recipe module with this structure:

| package.json
| piscocour.json
| bin | pisco.js


2. Contexts

A repository with the contexts of a domain.

| package.json
| piscocour.json
| contexts | <contextName> | config.json
                           | index.js
                           | info.md


3. Flows

A repository with the flows of a domain.

| package.json
| piscocour.json
| bin | pisco.js
| flows | <flowName> | config.json
                     | info.md


4. Step

A repository for each step.

| package.json
| piscocour.json
| bin | pisco.js
| steps | <stepName> | config.json
                     | index.js
                     | info.md


5. Plugin

A repository for each plugin.

Plugin module has this structure:

| package.json
| piscocour.json
| plugins | <pluginName> | config.json
                         | index.js
                         | info.md
