Plugins: stream-write-hook

stream-write-hook plugin

Plugin to intercepts any stream flow in order to be able to manage the information inside.

This way you can capture all the output of any stream and do whatever you want with it. The way to do this has two stages:

1. Start intercepting the stream

At any place in yor code is posible to intercept any stream the only thing you have to do is use streamWriteHook method:

   let capture = '';
   this.streamWriteHook(process.stdout, function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
     capture += chunk.toString(encoding);

Capture will contain all from content of process.stdout

2. Stop intercepting the stream.

Is necesary to do release all system resources, so do this:


Two addons are defined:

  1. streamWriteHook() addon
  2. streamWriteUnhook() addon

1. streamWriteHook() addon

Starts the hook to intercept any stream.

Param Type Description
stream Object Stream to be hooked
cb function Function to call each time chunk is append to stream.

Where the cb function could received the following parameters:

Param Type Description
chunck string \ Object Can be a string or a buffer. If chunk is a string, the parameter encoding specifies how to encode it into a byte stream
encoding string By default the encoding is 'utf8'
callback function callback will be called when this chunk of data is flushed.


   let capture = '';
   this.streamWriteHook(process.stdout, function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
     capture += stripcolorcodes(chunk.toString(encoding));

Where stripcolorcodes() is used to deleting all coloured characters from stream. And capture will contain all from content of process.stdout without coloured character.

2. streamWriteUnhook() addon

Stops the hook

Param Type Description
stream Object Stream to be Unhooked

