
Install with npm globally

$ npm install -g piscosour

Getting Started

Please follow these instructions if you want to create your first recipe:

  1. Create a new recipe
  2. Add a context world
  3. Add the step sayHello
  4. Add a flow hello
  5. Launch the new command recipe-sample
  6. Test it

1. Create a new recipe

Launch pisco and select recipe:create option.

$ pisco
? What's up!? (Use arrow keys)
❯ recipe:create (Create new recipe from scratch) 
  More commands 
  Get help 

Or execute directly the flow recipe:create.

$ pisco recipe:create

If it is the first time to execute recipe:create, wait until the npm package called pisco-recipe-generator will be installed.

Then you must fill the questions inquired:

 Starting | Create a recipe scaffold | [ recipe::recipe-create ] 

? Recipe name pisco-sample
? Recipe description My first recipe
? Recipe command line name recipe-sample
? Recipe Continuous Integration File none

Next it will generate a new recipe called pisco-sample

[17:23:32] run stage running...

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 Finished | Create a recipe scaffold - 34 s 276 ms 

[17:23:33] Flow [ create ] finished - 34 s 418 ms
[17:23:33] Total time - 34 s 420 ms

A new folder pisco-sample has been created with the following content:

-rw-r--r--    1 pisco  staff   .gitignore
-rw-r--r--    1 pisco  staff
drwxr-xr-x    3 pisco  staff   bin
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pisco  staff   bin/pisco.js
-rw-r--r--    1 pisco  staff   package.json
-rw-r--r--    1 pisco  staff   piscosour.json
drwxr-xr-x    3 pisco  staff   test
-rw-r--r--    1 pisco  staff   test/index.js

This recipe is npm package, empty, to make it run needs a context, a step and a flow.

2. Add a context world

The context defines where could a step be executed. In this sample, the step sayHello just runs inside a folder called world.

So, in the new folder pisco-sample, add a flow launching pisco and the action add-context.

$ pisco    
? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe 
❯ recipe:add-context (Add a context to a piscosour recipe) 
  recipe:add-flow (Add a flow to a piscosour recipe) 
  recipe:add-step (Add a step to a piscosour recipe) 
  More commands 
  Get help 

Then fill the parameters needed to create the flow:

? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe recipe:add-context (Add a context to a piscosour recipe)
[19:21:27] Execution contexts: [ recipe ]
[19:21:27] Starting flow: [ add-context ], steps: [ add-context ]

 Starting | Generator to add a new context | [ recipe::add-context ] 

? Name of the context world
? Description for the context Check if current working directory is world
[19:31:14] run stage running...

 Finished | Generator to add a new context - 09 m 46 s 996 ms 

[19:31:14] Flow [ add-context ] finished - 09 m 47 s 172 ms
[19:31:14] Total time - 09 m 47 s 174 ms

And a new folder called contexts/world has been created.

-rwxr-xr-x    1 pisco  staff   contexts/world/config.json
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pisco  staff   contexts/world/index.js
-rwxr-xr-x    1 pisco  staff   contexts/world/

The config.json file has the configuration of the context:

  "name": "world",
  "description": "Check if current working directory is world"

The index.js file implements a checks function which implements the context. Please, replace it with the following content:

'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const process = require('process');

const _isWorldFolder = function() {
  let dir = process.cwd().split(path.sep);

  return dir[dir.length - 1] === 'world';

module.exports = {
  check() {
    return _isWorldFolder();

The file is just to explain the context:

# Context world

Check if current working directory is world

3. Add the step sayHello

To create the step, please go to the root of the recipe and execute the command pisco add-step:

$ pisco    
? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe 
  recipe:add-context (Add a context to a piscosour recipe) 
  recipe:add-flow (Add a flow to a piscosour recipe) 
❯ recipe:add-step (Add a step to a piscosour recipe) 
  More commands 
  Get help 

And fill the parameters needed to create the flow:

$ pisco
? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe recipe:add-step (Add a step to a piscosour recipe)
[20:38:18] Execution contexts: [ recipe ]
[20:38:18] Starting flow: [ add-step ], steps: [ add-step ]

 Starting | Generator to add a new step | [ recipe::add-step ] 

? Name of the step sayHello
? Description for the step Say Hello World
? Is a generator? (if the step creates the context) No
? List of contexts separated by commas (recipe, app, component, ...) world
? List of plugins separated by commas (plugin1, plugin2) 
[20:39:16] run stage running...

 Finished | Generator to add a new step - 58 s 643 ms 

[20:39:17] Flow [ add-step ] finished - 58 s 785 ms
[20:39:17] Total time - 58 s 787 ms

Then, there are new files:

-rw-r--r--  1 pisco  staff  ./steps/sayHello/config.json
-rw-r--r--  1 pisco  staff  ./steps/sayHello/index.js
-rw-r--r--  1 pisco  staff  ./steps/sayHello/

The config.json file has the configuration, explain and document the step, and index.js has the implementation of the step, please replace it with:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  run: function(ok, ko) {'echo HELLO WORLD', ko, true);

Note that with you are able to lauch any command of the operating system.

4. Add a flow hello

Finally, add a flow with the step sayHello. So, please, placed inside the folder pisco-sample, add a flow launching pisco and the action add-flow

$ pisco    
? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe 
  recipe:add-context (Add a context to a piscosour recipe) 
❯ recipe:add-flow (Add a flow to a piscosour recipe) 
  recipe:add-step (Add a step to a piscosour recipe) 
  More commands 
  Get help 

And fill the parameters needed to create the flow:

$ pisco
? What's up!? Choose an action for a recipe recipe:add-flow (Add a flow to a piscosour recipe)
[11:25:32] Execution contexts: [ recipe ]
[11:25:32] Starting flow: [ add-flow ], steps: [ add-flow ]

 Starting | Generator to add a new flow | [ recipe::add-flow ] 

? Name of the flow hello
? Description for the flow Hello World sample flow
? Is a generator? (if the flow creates the context) No
? List of steps separated by commas sayHello
[11:25:52] run stage running...

 Finished | Generator to add a new flow - 20 s 072 ms 

[11:25:52] Flow [ add-flow ] finished - 20 s 298 ms
[11:25:52] Total time - 20 s 301 ms

Well, a new directory flows has been created:

-rw-r--r--  1 pisco  staff  ./flows/hello/config.json
-rw-r--r--  1 pisco  staff  ./flows/hello/

The configuration of the flow is in the config.json file:

  "name": "hello",
  "description": "Hello World sample Flow",
  "isGenerator": false,
  "steps": {
    "sayHello": {}

5. Launch the new command recipe-sample

Done! A new folder called pisco-sample has been created.

Then you can test the new command in two different ways:

With npm link the new package is linked globally, and then execute the new command:

$ cd pisco-sample
$ npm link
$ mkdir test/world && cd test/world
$ recipe-sample
? What's up!? Choose an action for a world (Use arrow keys)
❯ world:hello (Hello World sample flow) 
  More commands 
  Get help 

Select world:hello operation:

? What's up!? Choose an action for a world world:hello (Hello World sample flow)
[21:04:32] Execution contexts: [ world ]
[21:04:32] Starting flow: [ hello ], steps: [ sayHello ]

 Starting | Say Hello World | [ world::sayHello ] 

[21:04:32] run stage running...

 Finished | Say Hello World - 009 ms 

[21:04:32] Flow [ hello ] finished - 024 ms
[21:04:32] Total time - 026 ms

6. Test it

There is some tests built with mocha and chai, in the folder test/.

If you want to run the tests, simply execute:

$ npm test

Step will fail until you update test/step-sayHello.js with the content:

'use strict';
/* global define, it, describe, before */
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const exec = require('child_process').exec;

describe('::sayHello validation', function() {
  it('Should \'::sayHello\' works', (done) => {
    exec('node ../.. ::sayHello', { cwd: 'test/world' }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
      expect(stdout).contain('HELLO WORLD');