Plugins: fsutils

fsUtils plugin

Some file I/O addons are provided:

  1. fsCreateDir() addon
  2. fsExists() addon
  3. fsReadConfig() addon
  4. fsReadFile() addon

1. fsCreateDir() addon

this.fsCreateDir(dirName) attempts to create synchronously a directory named dirName.

Param Type Optional Description
dir String No name of the directory to crate


run: function() {

2. fsExists() addon

this.fsExists(filename) check synchronously if a element named filename exists and returns a boolean.

Param Type Optional Description
filename String No name of the element to test is exists


run: function() {
  let exist = this.fsExists('sample');

3. fsReadConfig() addon

this.fsReadConfig(filename) attemps to read synchronously a JSON file named filename exists, and returns an object with the json.

Param Type Optional Description
filename String No name of the json file


run: function() {
  let json = this.fsReadConfig('sample.json')

4. fsReadFile() addon

this.fsReadFile(filename) attemps to read synchronously a text file named filename exists, and returns a string with the contain.

Param Type Optional Description
filename String No name of the file


run: function() {
  let contain = this.fsReadConfig('sample.json')